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When it looks like a squirrel’s ear

It doesn’t take long for a ‘farmer in training’ to learn that your ‘how-to guide’ is as close as a fellow farmer. THE riddle I am trying to solve for our chestnut orchard is this: -which type(s) of chestnut trees will: 1. Grow best in our Alabama climate 2. Produce… 

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You’re Gonna Grow What??? how chestnuts chose us

I wasn’t expecting to join an American agricultural renaissance.  But in looking back, this tree seemed to choose me.  crazy talk, I know, let me explain.. As a new “learning-as-I go” farmer, I wanted to find a high-value crop that didn’t require specialized implements or a tremendous amount of acreage to be… 

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I’ve always wanted to be a farmer

Ever since I planted my first radish seeds when I was 6, I was hooked.  When the clover-like leaves poked out of the soil, I tore into the house yelling for mama to come see! It seemed like magic. So, yes, I’ve always wanted to be a farmer, ever since my… 

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